the Lord's Cross Christian Center

Our Start

The Lord's Cross Christian Center(TLCCC) is a protestant church. Pastor Paul Akimoto was led by God to plant a church. It was founded as the "Kokubunji Christian Center" in April 1984 in Kokubunji City, Tokyo, Japan. TLCCC was started with Christ as the head of the church and as Chief Pastor. In the beginning Pastor Paul Akimoto was told by God to live by the principle of hearing and obeying the Lord for a plan of our church. God also showed Pastor Paul Akimoto that TLCCC daughter churches were going to be planted throughout the country and that we would be involved in overseas mission work.

Our ministries

As of Sep. 2015, TLCCC churches number 109 in Japan and 62 abroad; New York, LA, San Diego, Denver, Baton Rouge, Hawaii, the Philippines, Brazil, the Middle East ,Zambia and Prague(Czech) (London, Chicago, San Francisco and Toronto are temporary cessation). There is a prayer house in one of TLCCC churches in Gunma prefecture, Japan.


Our Principle

TLCCC is a Protestant charismatic church. We believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God, the sole basis and the final authority of our beliefs. We acknowledge the pastoral ministry of Jesus Christ who is the head of the church. Therefore, our walk is guided and directed by obeying the voice of God, based on the Bible and prayers. Further, we acknowledge that the gifts of the Holy Spirit should be active and exercised in the church. We also believe the restoration of a New Testament Church with the Five-fold Ministry of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, and we have been led for that direction.

Our Vision

There will be great revival, a huge harvest of reaping of souls in the world and in Japan. The churches in Japan will greatly change in number, scale and functions. Some churches in Japan will have thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of members. We at TLCCC are told by God to achieve such a level of work and to make preparations for it. We have been also shown that TLCCC was called for the end-time work and revival, and that over 90 Mission offices would be established worldwide. We anticipate in God outreaching the general public through publication and music ministry and on the Internet evangelism.

Origin of Our Name

In starting a church, God told Pastor Paul Akimoto to name this church "center" because He was going to use this church with a function of a center. What the Lord showed to him has been true. The Lord's Cross Christian Center has been playing the role of a center in the country and overseas. At the start of the church, we were not shown a full name of this church. Since we were located in Kokubunji-city, we temporarily named our church Kokubunji Christian Center. After one or two years passed since the church was started, we were given an instruction through prophecy, saying that we should name this church the full name God would give.

As a result of praying for the name, we were shown the word "the Lord's cross, "which implies that we will walk by taking up the Lord's cross just as a Cyrenian Simon in the Bible did so. This also means that we will share the Lord's pain and suffering as we follow Him.

That is our calling and is our desire. We hope to follow the Lord to the end by taking up the cross, and at the same time, to completely carry out His plan for us.





2015年9月現在、TLCCCの教会は、国内に109、海外に62<NY、LA、サンディエゴ、デンバー、バトンルージュ、ハワイ、フィリピン、ブラジル、中東、ザンビア、チェコ(ロンドン、シカゴ、サンフランシスコ、トロントは、お休み中)>あります。また、祈祷院が、群馬県渋川の教会にあります。 1985年主の十字架神学校がスタートしました。東京を中心に、全国と海外の教会の分校で行なわれています。また、神学校のクラスは、インターネットによるオンライン聴講が可能で、登録学生は単位も取得できます。登録している学生数は、約300名です。 


主の十字架クリスチャンセンターは、プロテスタントのカリスマの教会です。私たちは、聖書は、唯一の誤りない神の言葉、信仰の唯一の規範と信じています。教会のかしらである、イエス・キリストの主任牧会を認め、聖書と祈りを土台に、神に聞き従うことを中心にしています。聖書に書かれている御霊の賜物は、教会に現在もあり、運用されるものであると認めています。また、 使徒・預言者・伝道者・牧師・教師の五職による新約教会を信じ、その働きの回復の方向へと働きが導かれています。





これは、聖書のクレネ人シモン のように、主の十字架を負って歩むという意味があり、主の道を歩みつつ、主の痛み苦しみをともにするという意味があります。
